Sunday, March 28, 2010


actually,life kat TGb ni xderla x best sgt..okla..nothing much.haha...seronok gakla.tatao napew??tapi,obviously,i really my old collage.LIPIS!!but,will become a new name..TGS!!huhu....LIPIS hanya tinggal kenangan.rumate baru so far..ok!!swonok dgn mereka.classmates un same r..boleh tahan..mcm2 perangai n ragam bley tgk.haha...x cye meh r dtg tgb..hihihi...utk ckgu2 plak..best2 and sporting..snang fhm dyeowg ajar even sumtime ader yg blurr gakla,,pndai2 la na cover balek lps klass en???th most favourite sbjek aq...PHYSICS!!!haha...i dunno why..myb my classmate know..FRANKLY!!haha...but.i love all of the other 8,x dpt dinafikan..mmg compact sgt mase..pnat gakla..byk saingan kalo na involve somthing..arytu,g interview,aq patah balik..sbb x sggupla tgk..rmai,buang mase jew tyme tuh..huhu..dahla soknyer plak.x prep gak.g kuiz NSC..haha..payah glew..huhu..konpem ta dpt represent TGB..huhu..xpela..aslkan dpt cari experience edit blog ni tyme BI..nnty ms.zie nampk plak..till then,k!!!papai!!!!